WTF IS #75 Hard

Jennifer Carrasco
6 min readJun 1, 2020

Topic is going to be a little bit about mental strength and focus. And I want to dive in deep, especially after the pandemic that we all have been on and getting back into the shift of life and into the shift of possibly getting back into our current environment and working environments, and how to go forward and structure ourselves to get back to where we need to be and where we need to succeed. So I am very much driven. I need some sort of focus to kind of get my goat. And so I was getting ready for a show, but not sure, and a show, I mean, bodybuilding. If you haven’t checked this out before, I am a pro figure competitor, but I’m dropping down to bikini, and not sure exactly what’s going to be happening with the shows coming up.

I needed something to dive in and to focus. And I’ve done this once before, but it’s been, gosh, over a year. And I felt this is the time that I need to refocus myself because A, my nutrition has been really good. I’ve been getting a lot accomplished, since I haven’t been able to be at the office very much, driven to get my skin line in order and other things focused. So I wanted to pop on here and encourage you guys to start focusing on your outcome and your goals. And this challenge is not necessarily about nutrition or diet. This challenge is really about mindset, and mindset to get you to a whole different level, to get you structured and organized, and it just dials you in as a person.

I have seen huge changes with a lot of my friends, as far as their dedication goes, as they get their diet right, their nutrition right, their exercise right. But then they have a focus, because they have an allowed amount of time to focus on business, and then they need to focus on themselves and focus on their family. And I feel like it’s structured people in a great core value going forward. And I feel like right now is the perfect time to implement this in our lives, because we’re all out of whack and we’re all out of focus, and we need to have that drive to get us back into focus of where we want to be and not all this other shit that’s in our head of the drama of what’s going on with the government or the pandemic or anything else. We need to just focus on ourselves and focus on our outcomes and what we want.

I am here to represent Andy Frisella, and I am going to represent the 75HARD. So 75HARD is a program that is going to push you. It is going to push you for exactly 75 days, and if you fuck up one day, you are starting from day one again. So it’s not something you want to do. So it’s something that’s going to keep you focused, keep your mind focused, and keep you driven. It’s going to give you skills. So if you are not born with the traits of having skills, let me tell you, this 75HARD is going to develop you to get those skills. And I get a calendar and I write in my calendar my workout for the day. I also use my fitness app that will log in all my water, my food, and I write on my bathroom mirror to make sure that I don’t forget any steps for the day, so that way I don’t fuck up, meaning taking my pictures, getting my water in.

So you guys should just really go check him out. It’s And he will go over this 75HARD with you more in depth, but pretty much it’s just going to majorly focus you on a whole different level than what you’re used to.

So I’m going to go over the 75HARD. So the 75HARD, what you have to do is you need to take a progress picture every single day. So what I did is I put my little camera in my bathroom, so I know first thing in the morning before I take a shower, I’m taking my photo. So that way it’s right there, you don’t forget, because that’s the first thing going around the first time I did this that I screwed up, because I kept forgetting to take pictures. So you need to take a progress pic. You need to drink one gallon of water a day. Now for me, that’s pretty easy, because that’s normally what I drink. But for the average person, it’s not. Another thing that I struggled with last time was reading 10 pages of a book, because I was commuting and driving and trying to get to bed at a decent time to wake up to do my workouts. It was hard to get those 10 pages in.

So going forward, because you cannot do an app where you’re driving and you listen, you actually have to read 10 pages, so what I’m planning on doing is waking up in the morning and probably busting out like three to five pages in the morning, then getting my workout, probably my cardio, depending on my schedule, then before I go to bed at night doing maybe another five minutes of reading, or I’m sorry, another five pages of reading. So that way it will make my life a little bit easier with those 10 pages.

The next thing is you need to follow a diet. Now, a diet can be any diet that you want it to be. It doesn’t matter. But a diet isn’t cheat meals. So you have to stay away from cheat meals, which would be like having cake or ice cream or things that you know are a cheat, even though if they fit in your calories or your diet. It’s not a diet. I mean, honestly, you need to eat healthy for 75 days. And if you follow my journey, I’m going to go over some tips and tricks that help me, that I like to do, that are super nutritional. They take off that edge of that sweet tooth that you have.

The next thing is you need to get two 45 minute workouts in. So that, if you calculate it, isn’t that long, because mainly when I’m at the gym doing a workout, I’m there usually for an hour to an hour and a half. It’s not that much longer. So you just need to do two workouts. So if you know you’re going to be pushing some weights, then you need to do 45 minutes in your gym pushing weights, and the other 45 minutes outside doing something else. Now, there are days that I don’t go to the gym every single day. So I have to think outside the box a little bit about what I want to do, and maybe it’s about pulling my rower machine or my bicycle out and doing something outside versus doing it inside the house. It’s just a mindset. That’s all it is.

I encourage you guys to jump on board. I think this is a great time to start implementing it, so that way we can all get structured again. But again, go check it out, and he has a podcast that goes over it, and then I will let you know how I do weekly when we do our weekly podcasts. But anyway, I wanted to just shoot the shit a little bit, do a small little podcast this morning, or not this morning, it’s a little after noon, but today is Mother’s Day. So happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers out there. And I will talk to you guys next week. Peace out.




Jennifer Carrasco

Own your Own shit, Be you, Be authentic, Be real. I am committed and I refuse to have you live in comfortability.